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Humanitarian Volunteer
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Humanitarian Volunteer
Humanitarian Volunteer
Application for Subsidy of Humanitarian Volunteer
F u n d f r o m PVNC OECTA Unit (please submit via FAX: 705 742 8599, or Board courier) PROCEDURE: (note this form is for the use of permanent teachers AND NEW to occasional teacher members) I. You Must: 1. Send this application for subsidy to the Unit office a MINIMUM OF TWO MONTHS PRIOR TO THE EVENT. Applications received AFTER the event WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING. 2. Complete Part A of the application and accompany it with all pertinent information copies of event itinerary, charity information, any receipts) including a personal letter explaining the situation and your proposed involvement. II. We Will: 3. Return your application indicating approval or disapproval. 4. Once approved, send a cheque to a maximum of $500 to the charitable organization (Note: $500 x % for part time teachers). III. You Must: 5. Submit a report to the Executive on the events of your volunteer experience within two months of your return. Access to both HV and PD funds in the future will be withdrawn for failure to submit the report. Note: You may only access up to $500 per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) for either the Humanitarian Volunteer Subsidy or $350 for the PD Subsidy. For any inquiries contact the Local Unit Office at 1-844-742-7843 or
[email protected]
Name of Applicant:
Part A - To be completed for initial application each applicant must use a separate application)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Work Place:
Position or Grade:
Full Time or Part Time:
If part time what percentage?
Name of Aid Organization
(Charitable No.)
Location of Aid Event:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you receiving School/Board Funding for this project :
(Do not include supply teacher cost)
Have you also received a Conference/Inservice PD Subsidy this school year?
If yes, please provide: Conference/Inservice
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Conference/Inservice Amount:
Upload a File:
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Upload a second File:
Max. file size: 100 MB.